News & Announcements

Click here to read The Huffington Post's article on Rev. Peter Gomes, who passed away February 28, 2011. Rev. Gomes was a friend of Old South. He preached on the 53rd occasion of the church's annual pilgrimage to our ancestral home, the Old South…
Click here to read “Martha’s Problem,” a featured article in The Christian Century by Old South’s own Minister for Discipleship Liz Myer Boulton.
We are pleased as punch to announce that the E. Rhodes and Leona B. Carpenter Foundation has awarded Old South Church in Boston and the SALT Project a grant to complete and distribute three short films with progressive Christian themes. The grant…
Click here to read the Boston Globe's coverage of Old South Church's Martin Luther King, Jr. celebration.
On the morning of January 6, the Old South Church sanctuary was packed. Interfaith leaders from across the Commonwealth gathered with elected officials, students and others to bless and pray for the second term of Governor Deval Patrick and…
Click here to read how Old South Church's winter installation, "Red Osier Run," inspired similar art along the Rose Kennedy Greenway.
Click here to listen to audio from the December 7, 2010 broadcast of Radio Boston, featuring Old South's own Matt Myer Boulton, Associate Professor of Ministry Studies at Harvard Divinity School and First Worship Choir Director for OSC.
The thunderous applause last Saturday evening in Old South Church's grand Sanctuary was a sure indication that our second annual Halloween concert was a total success. Click here to read one raving account of the evening. And be sure to watch the…