News & Announcements

On the morning of Friday, October 29, 2010 the MBTA’s General Manager, Mayor Menino, State Representatives and others attended the grand opening of the newly accessible Copley T Station. Old South Church’s Senior Minister, Nancy S. Taylor was asked…
To read the article on the restoration of Old South's neighboring Copley T headhouse, whose early 20th century ironwork has fallen into decline, click here.
To read the article on Old South Church's repair of our east wall, which sustained cracks in December 2008, click here.
To read the Boston Globe's coverage of the Interfaith Rally held at the Massachusetts State House on September 7, click here. For video of the Interfaith Rally and press conference, go to Old South's video page. “To Bigotry No Sanction, to…
David Clark, Old South member, former Clerk of Council, and current member of the Communications Committee, was featured in the business section of the August 29 edition of the Boston Globe. David was selected to receive a "Boston Globe Career…
An excerpt from "Reflections on Mission: Our Trip to Navajo Nation"by Janet Nolan We [the Old South volunteers] arrived and found that we had much more to learn than we had to give. We were immersed in the Navajo culture for a week and just barely…
Dear Old South Church, I would like to congratulate each and everyone one of you on an absolutely fantastic year of fundraising! The continued support and dedication of your team was inspiring to not only our staff, but to participants and teams…
Some time ago Old South hosted brothers and sisters from the Pommern Village Church in Pommern Village, Tanzania. We supported the drilling of village wells, two of which now proudly bear the name of Old South Church in Boston. Click here to…