News & Announcements

December 15, 2022 The Old South Church Senior Minister Search Committee has had a productive month and we are right on schedule with our anticipated timeline for welcoming a new Senior Minister to our pulpit.  As you will recall, we convened as…
Dear Old South Church in Boston, At the culmination of this wondrous season, we'll hear again the beloved phrase "tidings of great joy which shall be to all people" - the Christmas angels' song of annunciation to the shepherds as they abide in the…
Dear Old South Church in Boston, A friend in ministry recently posted a poignant photo of two young friends in a ballroom pose, each wearing a splendid tiara, over the words, "all they wanted to do was dance." In the world we live in, it turns out…
By Kate Silfen, Church Historian | November  8, 2022 Council members enjoyed sharing good news at our busy November virtual meeting. Treasurer Bill Bulkeley was pleased to report that Old South’s financial picture is improving. Pledge payments…
November 9, 2022 Candidates from around the country are entering into discernment about our Senior Minister position. They learn about us through many routes – their own networks within the region and the wider church, an official posting of our…
By Kate Silfen, Church Historian | October 14, 2022 Council members enjoyed a busy, hybrid meeting in October. For the first time in many months, several members of Council gathered in-person in the newly named Phillis Wheatley Room. Maren Batalden…
October 7, 2022 On pace with the schedule we set for ourselves, we released our church profile – to the congregation, to the conference, and to the wider world – in the last week of September. The profile – developed by the transition team in the…
By Kate Silfen, Church Historian | September 13, 2022 The first Council meeting of the new program year began on a busy note as members shared several updates. Treasurer Bill Bulkeley offered news on Old South’s finances. Overall, the Church’s…