News & Announcements

September 8, 2022 We continue to meet every other week as a committee and are focused now in earnest on getting everything ready to receive applications of ministerial candidates interested in our senior minister position!   We are on schedule…
Having said a fond, festive farewell to Acting Associate Minister Shawn Fiedler on August 28, we've moved into gear on some important steps toward finding his successor. The small Working Group appointed by Council back in July to begin the search (…
As Old South prepares to celebrate Shawn Fiedler's prodigious ministry among us, we've also begun the journey to name his successor. In July the Church Council appointed a small working group, selected by the Leadership Committee, to join…
August 14, 2022 We met in the last week of July with Alex Shea Will, the Area Conference Minister for the Northeast Region of the Southern New England Conference, who will be our partner throughout the journey of searching for and calling a new…
The July meeting opened on a bittersweet note as Council discussed the daunting task of filling the big shoes of Acting Associate Minister Shawn Fiedler. Shawn had recently announced that he accepted a new position as Major Gifts Officer for…
Letter from the Rev. Shawn Fiedler July 7, 2022 Dear Old South Church in Boston, I am writing to share that Sunday, August 28 will be my final day at Old South Church.  In 2019, when the leadership invited me to serve, it was a happy homecoming…
Dear Old South Church in Boston, What now? With today's news from the Supreme Court, it seems clear that history will mark this day as one on which our culture, and even the civic consensus on which it rests, became more grievously frayed. Though…
Old South’s June meeting of Council opened with a celebratory tone as we welcomed the Reverend Rick Spalding, our new Interim Senior Minister. Rick noted that he was marking the anniversary of his ordination, and he feels the same level of…