News & Announcements

On Sunday, April 28, 2013, Old South Church in Boston, "the Church of the Finish Line," gathered for the first time for Sunday worship at our Boylston Street home since before the events of April 15th. At 12 noon, following Festival Worship, the…
On Sunday, April 28, 2013, Old South Church in Boston, "the Church of the Finish Line," gathered for the first time for Sunday worship at our Boylston Street home since before the events of April 15th. At 12 noon, following Festival Worship, the…
On Thursday, April 25, 2013, Old South Church in Boston, “the Church of the Finish Line,” worshiped for the first time at our Boylston Street home since the events of April 15th. Jazz Worship was held outdoors - 100 feet from the Finish Line. Our…
On Thursday, April 25, 2013, Rev. John Edgerton, Associate Minister, Old South Church in Boston, delivered the opening prayer for the United States Senate in Washington, D.C. Video (starts at 0:34)
"John Edgerton, associate minister, said he welcomed the chance to get back to work. 'It’s about offering a sanctuary in the midst of the city. Now, more than ever, we’re committed to that,' Edgerton said." Read Steps from bombing sites, churches…
On Sunday, April 21, 2013, at 12:30 in the afternoon, the Back Bay houses of worship gathered at the makeshift memorial at the corner of Boylston and Berkeley Streets for the victims of the Marathon bombings. We prayed. We sang. We blessed. We came…
And from the church’s tower, this is what I saw that day - I saw people run toward, not away from, toward the explosions, toward the chaos, the mayhem, toward the danger, making of their own bodies sacraments of mercy. On Thursday, April 18, 2013,…
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