Canopy for the Governor?

Rev. Nancy S. Taylor

At a meeting of this church in April of 1731, the members voted to erect a “decent” canopy over the pew used by His Excellency, the Governor. Why? To keep up with the neighbors of course!

As the pew set apart for the use of the governors in King's Chapel was canopied it was thought proper to distinguish the official pew in the South meeting house in the same way. At a church Meeting April 5 1731 Voted: That in Honour to His Excellency our Governour there be a decent canopy erected over his Pew and the charge born out of the Church stock.

– From Hamilton Hill’s "History of the Old South Church (Third Church) Boston, 1669-1884" (Volume 1, page 456)

While we have no such proposal on the table for our 343rd Annual Meeting (February 3, 2013, 12:30 pm), we will nevertheless take up matters of some consequence. Among the usual items of business (electing a slate of officers, board and committee chairs; reports from the Treasurer and Chair of the Trustees), you can expect Old South Church member Vard Johnson’s Vibrant Vision Vignettes. Who needs the excitement of a canopy when there’s that?

Be Congregational: Attend Annual Meeting!