
Rev. Nancy S. Taylor

Published in the United Church of Christ devotional booklet 'Rise Up: Spirituality for Resistance' (June 2017).

"They arrested the apostles and put them in the public jail." Acts 5:18

It was Children’s Sabbath and young Ady was giving the Words of Welcome. Finally, she announced, “Oh, and this week our pastor, Rev. John, was arrested.” The church erupted into cheers and applause. 

My colleague, Rev. John Edgerton (named after John the Baptist and John Lennon), was arrested in DC in late January for committing civil disobedience on behalf of the Affordable Care Act. Despite what you may think, breaking the law doesn’t come naturally to most ministers. It’s more confrontational than most of us like to be. You’re left with a permanent record. The prospect of getting arrested is unsettling. You don’t know how it will go down: how long you will be locked up, if the authorities will decide to make an example of you, or whether your church will take you back.

John had written a lovely, thoughtful letter to the church which we timed to send out via email the instant he was arrested. In simple language he explained why he had undertaken this act and he invited any who had questions or concerns to reach out to him.

John was arrested in the name of a Savior who was so moved to compassion by the plight of those who suffered physical infirmities, that he healed them. Ever since and in his name, the church has taken up the business of healing: planting hospitals, hospices, and clinics around the world. To many of us, the Affordable Care Act hints at the healing generosity of Jesus.

Oh, and John is not displeased to inform any who ask that he was officially charged with “incommodious conduct”. 

 Prayer: God, bless us to be incommodious for justice sake. Protect any who are arrested and keep them safe.