Rev. John M. Edgerton

Festival Worship - Fifth Sunday after Epiphany


Just a few days before, Simon—who was also called Peter—had been going about his life in perfect contentment, living a good life in a fishing town called Capernaum on the north shore of the Sea of Galilee. But then, Jesus came walking into Simon’s town and showed him another way of life was possible. Jesus came walking into Simon’s life, and now he wanted more. He wanted so much to know what journeying with Jesus would mean for his life, what Jesus’ life would mean for the world. But above all, Simon wanted to know: Who was this man?

Festival Worship - Palm Sunday


Judas had been with Jesus from the beginning, from the Galilee days when every town they visited held new fresh wonders of what Jesus might do for the people of Israel. Judas had seen how Jesus would love the downtrodden, would give food to huge mass of hungry people, and how he could hold a crowd spellbound with his teaching on the power of the law and the spirit of the prophets. To follow Jesus was to be a part of something great, Judas knew that. Everybody knew that!

Festival Worship - Fifth Sunday of Easter


Before I began to follow after Jesus, I was like a branch hoping for nothing higher than that I should be good firewood. My aspirations for my life were to burn long, burn well, and burn bright. I wanted to contribute some small light of insight to humanity to help hold at bay the void blank expanse of all that we cannot know. I wanted to provide some small warmth in a cold world, like an open fire on a winter’s night. I wanted at least those closest to me to find comfort in how I lived.

Festival Worship - Seventh Sunday after Pentecost

Sometimes what we need from God comes in the form of a story; a story about a woman or a man who shows us a way, when we could see no way; a person who shows that we are not alone, never alone, always and ever surrounded by brethren. So I offer you a story. It is a story submerged within the deep and mist covered past of the people of Israel, from a time of myth and miracle a time of kings and prophets and giants. It is the story of a woman, named Michal.

Festival Worship - Twelfth Sunday after Pentecost

King Solomon is said to have been the wisest of all the kings of Israel. He was known far and wide for being able to expound at length on any topic you could wish—from music and poetry to the classification of plants and animals. The Kingdom prospered, there was peace, whatever he turned his energies toward seemed to invariably be a success. But Solomon had a secret. There was a secret to his wisdom, it was not ordinary.

Festival Worship - Fifteenth Sunday after Pentecost

If you’re new to the church, maybe you look around worship and see that people seem to know all kinds of rituals and prayers that you don’t know, and people seem to believe all kinds of things that you aren’t sure you can believe, it might make you wonder: is there a place in this church for me? Or maybe you’ve been here a long time and church isn’t how you remember it, it might make you wonder, is there a place in this church for me?