Heard it at Council: January 2019

Robert Gabler

Crossing the new threshold of the Crawford Library and into Old South’s 350th year, Council convened for the first time in this freshly-appointed place to begin its work in 2019.  A wintry, January night outside gave way to the warm fellowship inside under the direction of Moderator Deb Washington who began the session by reading from 1 Corinthians 7:7, that “each person has a special gift from God, of one kind or another.” Erma Bombeck, she noted, wrote:  “When I stand before God at the end of my life, I would hope that I would not have a single bit of talent left, and could say, 'I used everything you gave me'.”  She asked each member to reflect and relay aloud one particular talent we hope to have exhausted at life’s end.

Treasurer Bill Bulkeley’s thorough written report revealed a healthy, financial picture for 2018.  Senior Minister Nancy Taylor added that the church benefitted financially and serendipitously from two film crews which used the church in the past year.

Newly-elected Historian Evan Shu discussed digitalizing our archives.  The Congregational Library, which has undertaken some digitalization in the past, is currently preoccupied with their own renovations on Beacon Street.  He reported that the encyclopedia project is advancing with vigor; some excellent entries have been received. 

Minister of Music Mitchell Crawford humbly and reluctantly accepted the accolades of Music Committee Chair Karen Hand and others who congratulated him on the outstanding and tireless work by the choir and musicians who performed for and worshipped with us on Christmas Eve and New Year’s Eve.  He announced that a hymn was being commissioned for the 350th anniversary and asked people to submit ideas for phrases or lyrics which are particularly meaningful to our history and mission. 

Mary Ann Lape, Leadership Committee Chair, submitted the following Motion:  “The Leadership Committee moves that Council appoint Carol Chen, Rory Razon, and Ally Pyers to the Communications Committee to complete the 2018 year (which expires at the annual meeting.”  The Motion Passed.

Maren Batalden, Chair of Christians in Formation, announced that they were considering how to best expend the $ 8,000 as part of the Capital Campaign.

Tracy Keene, Chair of (G)race Speaks, was excited about the upcoming broadcast of Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.’s speeches at the corner of Dartmouth and Boylston on what would have been King’s 90th birthday.  His voice, heard once again, will lead us into Black History Month in February.

Mary Ann Lape, who is co-convener of the Climate Change Task Force, reported on the successful recent event after Festival Worship which produced a number of new sign-ups to this worthy endeavor.  Along the same lines, Chris Bocchiaro, Chair of the Operations Committee, indicated that the LED transition has been completed with the result that 300-watt bulbs have been reduced to 13 watts.

Assoc. Minister John Edgerton reflected on his seventh anniversary at Old South, having completed his sixth Christmas celebration here.  He offered his appreciation and continued amazement at the extravagant welcome Old South offers to people literally from around the world who visit us, extending now, through live streaming, into all corners.  

Nancy announced that the final product of the Interim Associate Minister Search Committee, Katherine Schofield, was in attendance, and praised Bill Bulkeley, IAM Search Committee Chair, for his efficient and outstanding service in that regard. 

Deb followed up by asking Katherine to offer closing remarks.  Katherine reminisced that she used to attend services here in ’06-’07 and felt like she was coming home.  Warmly welcomed back by Council, she concluded with a prayer.

Respectfully submitted,

Robert Gabler, Clerk