AIDS Walk Boston Thanks OSC

Dear Old South Church,

I would like to congratulate each and everyone one of you on an absolutely fantastic year of fundraising! The continued support and dedication of your team was inspiring to not only our staff, but to participants and teams alike. Your team’s willingness to reach for the Gold was amazing and really embodied what AIDS Walk Boston is all about. A grassroots event built from the bottom up. Considering the economic climate of fundraising this year, your team stepped up and proved what numbers and commitment could and can accomplish. On behalf of our clients and our staff, I thank you for truly going for the Gold and supporting the fight against HIV and AIDS within our community.

Team Old South Church continues to be one of AIDS Walk Boston’s top teams. A special thank you to Old South team captains, Jim McDonnel and John Duncan for their leadership and for going the Extra Mile for the 25th Walk.

Thank you Old South Church for supporting the programs and services of AIDS Action Committee through your involvement and support of AIDS Walk Boston. We are still in the midst of receiving and processing donations and will have the final count in weeks to come!

Jacoba van Heugten
Development Operations Coordinator
AIDS Action Committee
75 Amory St.
Boston, MA 02119