Lit Up and Back On Line

Old South Church’s power was out (with the rest of the Back Bay) for over 36 hours. When power went out on Tuesday evening the emergency lights came on and staff ushered everyone out of the building and closed up. On Wednesday Senior Administrator Helen McCrady was here bright and early to coordinate everything with our Senior Sexton Elias Perez. We opened early for Service 759 in the candlelit Chapel led by Ron Buford. About twelve people gathered to pray, sing and worship. After that we closed the building (no Old South Preschool, no Snowden High School, no phone, internet, lights) until this morning. Along with the entire Back Bay we were quiet and dark.

We came back on line at about 4 am. The thrum of generators is everywhere throughout the Back Bay, as are python-thick power lines (in teams of six, laying side by side) snaking their way throughout the Back Bay: meandering up streets, insinuating themselves into alleys, lying across entrances.

I am grateful to and proud of our Mayor, police, NStar and City officials. They have been terrific: communicating often and clearly, keeping order, being present, managing traffic. While there is still a large swath of the Back Bay without power (The Prudential, Sheraton, Weston, Hilton, etc), they have done, and are doing, a terrific job.

Let there be light!

Nancy S. Taylor,
Senior Minister