Heard It at Council (Mar. 2013)

March 12, 2013

Council opened the March meeting with Old South Church’s very own “Prayer for God’s Guidance & Still Speaking Voice. “ We promptly moved into one of the main discussion points of the evening – Rev. Nancy Taylor’s upcoming sabbatical for the spring and summer of 2014. Nancy plans to spend the first part of her well-deserved sabbatical in Santa Fe, where she will spend time with ministerial colleagues brainstorming ideas about how to celebrate our 350th anniversary. She and her colleagues will also be discussing ways in which Old South can use its storied past to propel us into the future. Nancy will spend the later phase of her sabbatical doing research on Old South’s rich history.

Nancy’s grant for her sabbatical will help cover the costs associated with bringing in guest speakers while she is away. Council members provided suggestions for whom to invite to preach in her absence.  Former ministers, members and musicians of Old South, past seminarians, and various scholars were all mentioned as possible speakers.

The second major discussion point focused on Old South’s response to the media attention that we expect we will receive once the Bay Psalm Book is put up for auction. Interim Historian Emily Click suggested that this will be an opportune time to highlight the crucial role that singing praises has played and continues to play in our lives as a church. Communications Committee Chair Chris Breen reported that he and the Committee have done research on best practices for communicating with the press.  He has submitted a communications game plan to the Board of Trustees. As part of this plan, the Communications Committee has set up a “micro-site” that will provide details about our church.  This site will feature a link to the digitized Bay Psalm Book, information about the church’s vote on the sale, and contact information for Council and the chosen auction house. Nancy solicited suggestions from Council about additional information to provide on the “micro-site.” Council members suggested that this would be an opportune place to talk about our history and identity as a progressive church. The site will go live once an auction house is ready to release their own announcement.
Council adjourned early and closed the meeting with a recitation of the Lord’s Prayer.

-Kate Silfen, Clerk