Heard It at Council (May 2013)

May 14, 2013

Our May Council meeting opened with a joyful welcome for our new Associate Minister, the Reverend Anthony Livolsi. Anthony provided Council with a brief biographical sketch of his life and the development of his faith. He was born in New Jersey and grew up in Phoenix, Arizona with what he lovingly describes as a “colorful Italian family.” Church sustained Anthony when his family was facing significant challenges, and he feels an overwhelming depth of gratitude to the Christian Church. This gratitude stayed with Anthony when he discovered Progressive Christianity. To this day, Anthony’s favorite line from the Catechism is “to Serve God and Enjoy God Forever.” Anthony feels blessed to be called to Old South Church, where he can serve and enjoy God with our community.

Debby Kuenstner offered Council an update on the Vision Working Groups. The Faith at the Crossroads Task Force has focused on sacrificial service, and towards this end, Theologian in Action June Cooper has offered two workshops on faith in action. The Restored Vision Group grew out of the Faith at the Crossroads Task Force, and this group is now looking at possible action items as follow-up to their informational session on solitary confinement. The Sanctuary in the City Task Force was charged with creating a welcoming community in an urban environment, and to meet this goal, the Task Force launched Wednesday Prayers and Bagels and the Bible. (The former has been suspended as the leaders decide on whether to relaunch it on another day of the week.) The Christians in Formation Task Force has focused on educational programs that foster spiritual growth. Members have launched the Sunday morning series Breaking (Good) News. Debby reported that the Vision Working Group is now considering next steps for the Task Forces.

Trustee David Vogan provided a brief update on Old South Church’s financial health. Congregational giving is a little behind what it is normally projected to be at this time, but we can account for it by death and relocation. Accountant Ro Clarke is looking at making an insurance claim for income that was lost while the Church was closed due to the lockdown. On a more positive note, our late beloved member Bob Elder left an unrestricted gift of $1 million to Old South Church.

Council members then turned their attention to Project A.I.R. The Operations Committee is looking to hire an Owner’s Representative to manage the work. An Owner’s Representative will serve as a single point of contact for the architects, the builders, and church administration. The Owner’s Representative will also manage the daily logistics of this work. Right now, the Operations Committee is considering two firms to provide owner’s representative services: Collaborative Partners and Heritage Building Consultants. Representatives from both firms made brief presentations to Council after which we engaged them with questions. Paul Kuenstner will make a recommendation for which firm to hire at the June meeting.

After a busy evening, Council closed with a unison recitation of the Lord’s Prayer.

-Kate Silfen, Clerk