Heard It at Council (June 2013)

June 11, 2013

Council had a busy and informative June meeting before breaking for the summer. Membership Committee Co-Chair Liz Rice Smith’s presentation was a highlight of the evening. Liz presented impressive statistics on Old South Church’s growth in membership over the past decade. She outlined the many initiatives that helped foster this growth. Members of the Committee have engaged in studies of research findings on church growth and have attended trainings offered by the UCC Metropolitan Boston Association, the Massachusetts Conference, and other national church trainers. The Membership Committee has extended Old South’s extravagant hospitality by writing notes of welcome to visitors and newcomers, recruiting volunteers to serve as greeters, welcomers, and servers at fellowship hours. Each spring, the Membership Committee offers welcoming outreach and “creature treats” at Blessing of the Animals. In 2011, Earl Anspach launched a tender prayer ministry by inviting Membership Committee members, Council members, and all other members of standing committees to pray for God’s guidance as we endeavor to be an even more welcoming congregation. The Committee has also developed a brochure that describes the meaning of membership, and steps for becoming a church member. There are many new and exciting ventures in the works, and Liz said that the Membership Committee is committed to meeting our Vision’s goal: 1,200 members by 2019. She warmly encouraged the congregation to take part in this effort.

Operations Committee Chair Paul Kuenstner offered Council an update on Project Air. Council agreed to hire Heritage Building Consultants as our Owner’s Representative during this period of work. Heritage brings expertise in overseeing work on historic buildings, and served as our Owner’s Representative while the crack was being repaired. A Project Team has been formed, and they will begin planning the work in July. The Project Team expects to have a detailed description of the scope of the work this fall, and the goal is to have the work approved by December and then completed by the fall of 2014. Rev. Nancy Taylor praised Paul’s work on Project Air, and Council gave him a round of applause.

Trustee Daniel Bergstresser updated Council on the sale of the Bay Psalm Book. Sotheby’s has been chosen as the Auction House, and the Beta copy of the Bay Psalm Book is now in custody of Sotheby’s, where it is currently on display in New York. Sotheby’s plan is to promote the Bay Psalm Book as an important piece of early American history, and as part of this effort, the Auction will be held on Tuesday, November 26 at 7pm. Between now and then the Bay Psalm Book will be on tour in several major cities. Sotheby’s estimates that the Bay Psalm Book will sell within the neighborhood of $15 - 30 million.

After a full and informative evening, Council adjourned for the remainder of the summer.

Kate Silfen, Clerk