Heard It at Council (October 2013)

October 8, 2013

The progress and scope of Project AIR was the primary focus of Old South Church’s October Council meeting. We welcomed and met with consultants from Wiss, Janney, & Elstner and Consigli Construction who provided Council with a detailed outline of the upcoming renovations to the church. A new gas fired boiler will replace the church’s two faulty boilers (one no longer works, and the other is on its last legs). The gas-fired boiler is far more efficient, and winter heating costs are expected to be half of what they are now. We will also have a new heat pump system that will both have heating and cooling effects within the church building. There will be increased fire protection throughout the buildings. Operable interior storm windows will be added to existing windows, furthering energy efficiency in the buildings.

The Old South community will also see important improvements to the building. The telecommunications system will be improved through increased wireless internet access and there will be additional security cameras. The elevators will be updated, and one will extend to the basement. Moveable partitions (similar to the one in the fourth floor Guild Room) will be added to Mary Norton Hall. This will allow for increased room use for meetings. The Gordon Library will be made handicapped accessible and a bathroom added.

Council members were presented with a detailed timeline of the work. Construction is expected to begin in March 2014 and will last about seven months. The Project AIR team anticipates having a guaranteed maximum price for the work by December 1st. The expected price tag is around $8.5 million. On December 10th, there will be a joint meeting of Council and the Trustees to vote on the final approval of the price and the scope of the work. This meeting will be open to members of the Congregation (as are all meetings of Council). Members will also be invited to an informational meeting on Sunday, December 1 following Festival Worship.

In other news, Treasurer David Vogan presented Council with an update on the church’s finances. The church has a larger than projected budget shortfall due to pledges that have fallen behind. Finance Committee Chair Joanne Herman said that budget surpluses will cover this shortfall for now, and the Finance Committee is confident that the upcoming sale of The Bay Psalm Book will significantly strengthen Old South’s finances.

Moderator Mark Schueppert introduced a discussion about ways that Old South might include young adults more fully in our church life and ministry including leadership.  He noted that he has visited churches in the Boston area which are attracting large numbers of young adults.  There was discussion about alternative forms of worship and music, programs for children and families and outreach to young adults.

With that charge from our Moderator, Council ended the meeting with a recitation of the Lord’s Prayer.

Kate Silfen, Clerk