The Strangest Day

Rev. Nancy S. Taylor

Glowering sky. Gusting winds. The city that “invented America” on lock down. Manhunt. Controlled explosions. Evacuations. Sirens. The whomp whomp of chopper blades. Arms and armor everywhere. It is the strangest, strangest day.

We may be the first to encounter the precise strangeness of this day, but we are not the first to be shaken by strangeness. With our ancestors, l take comfort from the words of the Psalmist, Psalm 46:

God is our Refuge and Strength. A very present Help in trouble. Therefore we will not fear though the earth should Change …

There is a river whose streams make glad the City of God, the holy habitation of the Most High.

God is in the midst of the City. She shall not be moved. God will help her right early. Amen.

Friends, even as Boston remains in lock down and our church remains a crime scene we are making plans.

We will meet together on Sunday, collapsing our three worship services into a single worship service at 10:30 am. Let us all – all who are able – gather together.

If we are not able to access Old South Church, we will worship with our sisters and brothers at Church of the Covenant. In either case – Old South Church or Church of the Covenant – the time is 10:30 am. And, in either location, we will be graced with the presence of the Rev. Jim Antal, Minister and President of the Massachusetts Conference UCC.

In addition, if we are able to access Old South Church, the Back Bay houses of worship will plan to meet together at 12:30 pm on Sunday at the Finish Line to reclaim it.

Please check the Church's web page for updates.

We are shaken, but we are not forsaken.