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Confirmation Class
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Intro Text
(7th-8th grades)
On Sunday mornings from 10-10:30 a.m., students in 7th and 8th grades are invited to participate in our confirmation class, which meets weekly during Church School. We hope students will choose to participate in the class experience, and that families will make it a priority. At the end of this class, in the spring, students will be invited to participate in the Rite of Confirmation through which they can choose to join Old South Church as a full member. Participation in the class does not mean that each student will choose to become confirmed as a member. The point of this class is to learn about the faith of others and yours in particular, about the Christian church in general and Old South in particular. We guide students through a process of discernment so that they might make the choice that is right for them, and celebrate their decisions - because knowing one's mind and heart is a difficult journey. Confirmation class gathers from 10am - 10:50 in the Club Room (Basement Level accessed through the Crawford Library) and is conducted in a hybrid format allowing students to zoom in from home.
On Sunday mornings from 10-10:30 a.m., students in 7th and 8th grades are invited to participate in our confirmation class, which meets weekly during Church School. We hope students will choose to participate in the class experience, and that families will make it a priority. At the end of this class, in the spring, students will be invited to participate in the Rite of Confirmation through which they can choose to join Old South Church as a full member. Participation in the class does not mean that each student will choose to become confirmed as a member. The point of this class is to learn about the faith of others and yours in particular, about the Christian church in general and Old South in particular. We guide students through a process of discernment so that they might make the choice that is right for them, and celebrate their decisions - because knowing one's mind and heart is a difficult journey. Confirmation class gathers from 10am - 10:50 in the Club Room (Basement Level accessed through the Crawford Library) and is conducted in a hybrid format allowing students to zoom in from home.