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Older Elementary
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Intro Text
(3rd-4th grades)
Godly Play is a Montessori-based christian education curriculum where children explore the stories of the Bible and practices of the church through hands-on learning and play. Stories are told with hand-crafted materials, then children are led through a series of wondering questions followed by a period of self-directed work. This oldest Godly Play classroom will hear more extension than the younger classrooms, and introduces students to beginning Bible study each week. This class meets from 10am - 10:50 each week in the Tower Room (4th floor), and is conducted in hybrid format, allowing students to zoom in from home.
We encourage students in this age range to worship with their parents or to participate in the seasonal choir and drama offerings, often meeting from 9am - 9:30.
Godly Play is a Montessori-based christian education curriculum where children explore the stories of the Bible and practices of the church through hands-on learning and play. Stories are told with hand-crafted materials, then children are led through a series of wondering questions followed by a period of self-directed work. This oldest Godly Play classroom will hear more extension than the younger classrooms, and introduces students to beginning Bible study each week. This class meets from 10am - 10:50 each week in the Tower Room (4th floor), and is conducted in hybrid format, allowing students to zoom in from home.
We encourage students in this age range to worship with their parents or to participate in the seasonal choir and drama offerings, often meeting from 9am - 9:30.