From Paris to Pittsburgh to Boston

Carol Boggs

The Climate Task Force presented a second program on the documentary “From Paris to Pittsburgh,” with segments focusing on rising sea levels and local innovation, complementing the film with an update on what’s going on in Boston.  The film demonstrates that rising sea levels will change South Florida, including Miami, forever, and residents will have no choice but to move north.  This will have a major impact on Orlando, which has been taking steps to counter the climate catastrophe with innovative policies like increasing solar farms, focusing on sustainable food practices, and preparing for large numbers of climate refugees.  At the same time, the film shows how over the last 30 years Pittsburgh has transformed itself from a polluted steel town to knowledge center, more like Boston.  “From Paris to Pittsburgh” ends with a call to action.

Brad Swing, Director of Energy Policy and Programs for the City of Boston and an active member of Old South, gave a presentation highlighting Boston’s resiliency planning. He said that planning should have begun a decade ago when the science became clear. However, cost, conflicting priorities and a lack of city jurisdiction over things like building codes and transportation made that difficult.  Climate is now a priority, he said, and the city has unveiled Resilient Boston Harbor, a plan to protect the city while increasing access and open space along the waterfront.  There are also new regulations to make sure future building at the waterfront is sustainable.  Brad answered a number of audience questions.  In response to a question of what OSC can do, Brad gave a shout-out to the September 20 Youth Climate Strike, saying this kind of action has changed the conversation around climate.  He also encouraged advocacy at the Statehouse and the local levels.

Anyone interested in viewing the full documentary “From Paris to Pittsburgh” can do so by clicking below.

Watch the documentary