News & Announcements

In moments of great national decision, people of faith are called to take not only political, but also spiritual action. We must serve the common good, but so, too, must we seek out the mercy and blessing of God. I exhort you to vote your…
September 13, 2016 Welcoming back Council after summer hiatus, Moderator Deb Washington opened the meeting by praying for divine guidance in finding each of our own uniqueness. Everyone is designed with a purpose, and it is each person’s own quest…
Boston Warm was born as an interfaith collaboration of many houses of worship, including Old South Church, in response to a disastrous winter. It has since evolved to become an ongoing ministry of common cathedral, one of Old South Church’s most…
"Since April of this year, the facade of the nearly 150-year Old South Church building on Copley Square in Boston has been attracting attention for more than its striking Italian Gothic architecture. On the two sides of its entrance portico, facing…
On January 27, 2016, a homeless man was found lying dead on the steps of Old South Church covered in a sheet and blanket. That same blanket and sheet have been transformed into a memorial and community art project, on display in the church's…
Old South Church clergy are featured in the spring issue of Sunday magazine, the flagship publication of The Lord’s Day Alliance of the U.S. Read sermons by Revs. Nancy Taylor, John Edgerton, Anthony Livolsi, and Don Wells. The Lord’s Day Alliance…
June 14, 2016 Opening Council with a prayer, Moderator Deb Washington invoked the hope of Jeremiah and the selflessness of Sarah. God of the saints and the prophets is also our God who reminds us that we come not to be served, but rather to serve.…
Dear Old South Church in Boston, The round the clock reports of the murders of black men, of LGBTQ people, and now of police is heartbreaking and heartrending, traumatizing and paralyzing. The rifts and gulfs, the chasms and canyons between white…