News & Announcements

"As Republican lawmakers consider throwing out [the Affordable Care Act] with no agreed-upon plan for how to replace it, Rev. Edgerton said he was compelled to make sure key senators heard the concerns of those affected." Read Minister at Old South…
This afternoon, Rev. John Edgerton was one of 50 clergy members and concerned citizens arrested in the U.S. Senate building in Washington D.C. as part of a non-violent act of resistance to a repeal of the Affordable Care Act. A message from Rev.…
"'Before we left our meeting place, we turned to someone close by and named what we would do after this day so that it became a movement not just a moment. We held up blessing hands towards each other and prayed — God bless us, for this moment, for…
"The United Church of Christ in New England has organized to 'Be the Church' at the Boston Women's March [...] Vander Hart, in partnership with Rev. Nancy Taylor of Old South Church and Rev. June Cooper and Rev. Ruth Edens at City Mission, will be…
"I will join the Women’s March on Saturday as a follower of this Jesus and in witness to a way of life that challenges Caesar. A way of life wherein might does not make right (although it can hurt you; it can smack you and leave you damaged). A way…
On Saturday, January 21, 2017, Old South Church will join with the Massachusetts Conference of the United Church of Christ to march in the Boston Women's March for America. According to the official website for the event, "We will unite in Boston to…
I've had my heart broken wide open since November. My visit to Standing Rock, followed immediately by Harry's untimely death, followed immediately by the revelation of the fractured state of our political landscape – I've been left feeling more than…
Old South Church welcomed hundreds upon hundreds of church members, friends, and visitors through our open doors on Christmas Eve, as well as revelers New Year's Eve. Below are links to recordings and photographs that help capture the wonder of our…