News & Announcements

10:00 am Community Hour programming kicks off on Sunday September 17 with Christian Resistance and the Legacy of Niebuhr and Bonhoeffer, led by guest facilitator K. Healan Gaston, Lecturer on Christian Ethics and American Religious History at…
Following the events in Charlottesville and in anticipation of the planned "free speech" rally on the Boston Common, Old South Church joined with other houses of faith across Greater Boston in a Joint Statement from Boston Area Religious Leaders.…
Dear Old South Church, The events of Charlottesville, VA have shaken us to the core. We grieve the loss of the dead and pray for the healing of the injured. We despair that today’s Nazi’s feel emboldened to spew hateful venom into the public…
Dear Old South Church in Boston, Your Christian Service and Outreach Committee and your Church Council are asking the members of Old South Church to consider the question: "Is Old South Church called by God to provide sanctuary to an individual or…
Dear Old South Church, Last night at a specially called July meeting of the Church Council, the members of Council voted to approve the Minister of Music Position Description (click here). Below you will find the brief posting that will appear in…
"Our commitment to be united in Christ binds us to one another, even when we don’t agree. I do not like all of the decisions we came to this week, and I know I am not the only one: debate on the floor often became heated and emotional as people…
Published by United Church of Christ News, June 15, 2017 The shooting in Alexandria, Virginia is a sobering event. As a person of faith it leads me to pray for those individuals affected. First, for those wounded in the shooting, Representative…
Associate Minister Rev. Anthony Livolsi was recently accepted into the United Church of Christ's select 'Next Generation Leadership Initiative' (NGLI) program for especially promising young clergy. The Next Generation Leadership Initiative: Target…