News & Announcements

On January 11th, 2018, Old South Member Phil Dearing shared his story of why he supports Old South. Read his reflection below, entitled "The Psychology of Giving". Why do people give? Historically it was a means of survival. Families and tribes…
Dear Old South Church: The Search Committee has three amazing finalists. We have met all three in person, listened to their work, observed them conduct, and observed them play both organ and piano. We are in the process of completing our own travels…
  We couldn't be more proud of the Old South Gospel Choir, who performed at the 2018 Martin Luther King, Jr. Breakfast in Boston - the nation's longest-running and Boston's premier event dedicated to honoring the legacy of Dr. King. And on top…
  The following is part of Richard Spada and Bob Childers' story about how they came to Old South Church. Click here to listen to the full version. --- January 7, 2018 We were both raised Catholic. And, our spiritual and religious backgrounds…
  Old South members Carol and Amy shared their story of how they first came to Old South Church and why they support us, as part of our Ephiphany stewardship month. Click here to support Old South Church. -- We first walked into this church May…
WGBH interviewed our Senior Minister, Nancy Taylor, on how we ensure that our church is both welcoming and safe. See below for a preview, or click here for the full article. Churches Face A New Reality By Bob Seay "Churches are traditionally places…
The Christiansen Award is given annually to an organization that has done extraordinary work of mercy and justice in the past year. This award was created in memory of Bob Christiansen, a beloved Old South Church minister who is memorialized most…
We are grateful to the Mayor and the City of Boston staff for taking the long view in this agreement for the Back Bay/South End Gateway Project. Progress and preservation need not be a zero sum game. Development and affordable housing need not be at…