News & Announcements

Our partner organization City Mission is accepting applications for their Urban Pastoral Ministry Program! The program is a two year residency for recent seminary graduates who are called to ordained urban ministry. Through a partnership between…
Dear Old South Church, In the wake of the shocking terror and murder visited upon Pittsburg’s Tree of Life Congregation, there is an initiative underway of solidarity, community and support for our Jewish friends, neighbors and cousin congregants.…
City Mission receives funding from Lilly Endowment Inc. to support the development, growth, and empowerment of Christian pastors in urban ministry. City Mission has received a grant of $774,251 from Lilly Endowment Inc. to help establish The Urban…
The Climate Change Task Force put on a Community Hour Series entitled "Restoring God's Creation: A Challenge to Make a Difference". Because climate change is the existential and moral challenge of our time, the Task Force seeks to increase…
City Mission receives funding from Lilly Endowment Inc. to support the development, growth, and empowerment of Christian pastors in urban ministry. City Mission has received a grant of $774,251 from Lilly Endowment Inc. to help establish The Urban…
As Hurricane Florence churns and threatens off our eastern coast, Old South Church faces directly into the churning, challenging, sometimes threatening times in which we live. Last evening the Church Council approved the formation of a Climate…
  Music Opportunities at Old South Church Our music ministry provides many ways to explore faith and connect more deeply to the life of the church. Whether you sing, ring, or simply have an appreciation for the arts, there is a place for you…
A note from the Senior Minister: I have the great privilege of working in a building with an Archivist and a Finish Carpenter. Does it get any better than that? Our Archivist, Emily Ross, is with us twelve hours per week. For eight hours she toils…