News & Announcements

Dear Old South Church, WE BELIEVE IN SCIENCE The Covid-19 virus is in abeyance in the US, the vaccination rate is high, and the vaccines themselves are extraordinarily effective. The Commonwealth of Massachusetts has therefore lifted most…
Boston, Massachusetts – On Sunday, May 9th, Old South Church in Boston will present their Open Door Award to former State Representative Byron Rushing. Rushing will be honored during Phillis Wheatley Sunday, Old South’s annual celebration of the…
Early this spring, the concentration of carbon dioxide in the earth’s atmosphere reached its highest level ever recorded—despite a decline in emissions during the COVID-19 pandemic—a grim reminder just how difficult preventing the worst-case…
Dear Old South Church, In the wake of the recent murders of innocent people of Asian descent in the city of Atlanta, Old South Church in Boston  states unequivocally that racism, and racist violence are an affront to God, a violation of this…
Typically, when a person joins a church, they’ve at least had a chance to visit that church in person. Not so in 2020! This year we were blessed to be joined by 23 new church members, many of whom were able to worship with us before the pandemic…
We live in perilous times. An insidious and lurking virus, a decimated economy, racism laid bare, schools in disarray, a shuddering climate, our schedules and rhythms disrupted, and, not least, on the eve of a national election our country feels…
Senior Minister Rev. Nancy Taylor and Acting Associate Minister Rev. Shawn Fiedler discuss the surprises, challenges, and more that come along with ministering during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Old South Church is the first church in the SNEUCC conference to take on the Environmental Ministries Team's Congregational Climate Justice Voter Challenge. We know this election is so important. We are committed to getting…