NABB Loses Its 'Voice' - Old South's Lois Harvey retires

Courtesy of Boston Courant July 29-August 4
by Ashlee Fairey, Courant News Writer


Lois Harvey, the longtime “voice” of the neighborhood association of the Back Bay (NABB), will be retiring at the end of August.

“For more than 10 years, when you call the office, she’s the voice you hear,” said NABB Chair Jim Hill.

Harvey, 70, has been the group’s office administrator for 11 years, fielding phone calls and e-mails, putting together the newsletters, managing the 1,700- member database and getting people in touch with those who can answer their questions.

“At first I really didn’t think I wanted to do it at all,” Harvey said. “I thought it would be boring, routine things. But every reasons to call it a boring job.”

Harvey began her involvement with NABB as a volunteer resident on the architectural committee after she moved from Cambridge to the neighborhood in 1993.

“I was getting a little tired of being in a young, hip neighborhood like Harvard Square,” she said. “I thought (Back Bay) was a beautiful place to live.”

Harvey found that being a part of NABB kept her abreast of what was happening in the neighborhood, and how to protect and improve the area. Once she became the office administrator, she better understood how city departments function and got to know the local politicians, all aspects that she enjoyed.

“I like people, and it’s a people job,” Harvey said. “It’s about helping where I can.”

“She’s absolutely wonderful in that role,” Hill said. “She’s a caring, kind, approachable person, and she brings those qualities to the job.”

Harvey has worked alone in the office four days a week. But starting on Monday, Harvey will welcome another employee into NABB headquarters: her replacement. After Harvey’s last day on August 31, Quincy resident Vivian Borek will become the new office administrator.

“As a 70-year-old, I thought I pushed the envelope far enough,” Harvey said with a laugh. She hopes to sell her Back Bay condo and move to Cape Cod.

“She’ll be missed,” said NABB President Linda Zukowski. “We’ll miss everything. her personality, just the way she runs the office, her efficiency. Everything.