Heard It at Council (September 2013)

September 10, 2013

Council convened with a busy agenda after a summer hiatus. The meeting focused on the progress of the Task Forces toward our Vision for the 21st Century. To celebrate the Vision, Harry Huff led Council in a spirited singing of the prayer-like hymn “Be Now My Vision.”

The Chairs of the three Vision Task Forces each reported on the work in which they are engaged. Erin Hull, Chair of the Sanctuary in the City Task Force, reports that the group is looking at starting a Bible study series before the 6 pm Sunday service. The Task Force has launched a visual display campaign featuring photos of various members. Maren Batalden, Chair of the Christians in Formation Task Force, reported that they intend to introduce the church to ancient Christian practices. Towards this end, they have announced an all-church, intergenerational retreat (October 11-13) at which members will explore such practices. Ruth Purtilo, Chair of the Faith at the Crossroads Task Force, reported that the Restored Vision Project has completed six months of study on issues of incarceration and is moving into an action phase. As part of the action phase, Old South will sponsor a conference hosted by the Center for Church and Prisons to be held in Boston October 3-5. In addition, they have launched Caring for Creation Project, a six-session series exploring how people of faith can respond to climate change.

Operations Committee Chair Paul Kuenstner and Old South Owner’s Representative Roger Burke provided Council with an update on Project A.I.R. Paul reported that the Project A.I.R. Team re-convened over the summer, and has recommended some changes to the original plan that will save the church money and will be less disruptive to building operations. Roger Burke said that the documents for the project are 70% complete. The contractor is now working on the pricing for this work, and the Operations Committee plans to have a budget to present to Council in October. Later in the fall there will be open meetings for the congregation to learn more about the scope and price of Project A.I.R.

Rev. Nancy Taylor presented Council with an update on the upcoming sale of the Bay Psalm Book. The book is on tour and continues to display in libraries of major cities. Sotheby’s officials remain confident that the Bay Psalm Book will see anywhere between $15 to $30 million. The publicity has been positive, and the sale of the book presents Old South with a unique opportunity to tell its and the story of our forebears.

Outreach Committee Chair Ruth Ricker sought Council’s support for two new initiatives. The Outreach Committee is planning to collect letters to Congress to support the UCC Justice and Ministries efforts to promote diplomacy with Syria. The Committee has also proposed that Old South participate in the “Raise up Massachusetts” signature collection drive to support a 2014 ballot initiative to raise minimum wage and provide paid sick time for low wage earners in Massachusetts. Council enthusiastically approved the motion to support these initiatives.

Council closed the September meeting by holding hands and reciting the Lord’s Prayer.

Kate Silfen, Clerk