Heard It at Council (October 2016)

October 11, 2016

Moderator Deb Washington called council to order and offered a prayer that we be guided by faith. To live justly is to live by faith and to carry out our work through faith. We seek to examine ourselves as individuals of faith in relation to others and with the church, knowing that Jesus moves with us and on our behalf.

Treasurer Lauren Berk announced that Mount Vernon Church has asked us to manage their endowment, a mutually beneficially arrangement. In 1970, the membership of the Mount Vernon Church, our neighbor at the corner of Massachusetts Avenue and Beacon Street, closed the church building and entered into a covenant with Old South Church to worship in fellowship with us in our present facility on Boylston Street.

Senior Minister Nancy Taylor began the process of breaking down the budget for Council, an education that has some imperative as we enter the new stewardship season in January to coincide with Epiphany. The goal is to educate the congregation at large as to the reasons for and importance of pledging as a means to our mission. Approximately 294 “households” contribute a little less than 50% of the revenue. Obviously, one challenge is to get greater participation among the congregation. People also should know that some of the building users are not charged for our hosting (New Start, Boston Handbell Festival, Boston Warm, etc.).

At a brisk pace, Nancy walked through some of the notable expenses. Much of our annual cost stems from the upkeep and maintenance of our building itself. Our building is our most important platform and springboard for our many ministries. Maintenance cannot be deferred, tempting as it may be. But the building is in good shape, we have a 20-year building up-keep plan, and we are budgeting annually into a Capital Reserve Fund. Simply stated, we could not afford the structure of our beautiful church without the endowment which allows us to channel resources to our work. Our central, visible location helps us attract people to and amplify our message of progressive Christianity.

Trustee Tom Wetherald added that we would not be in this advantageous position without the sale of the Bay Psalm Book, controversial at the time, but proceeds from which allowed us to replenish the endowment with necessary deferred maintenance funds. He reminds us that there are great expenses associated with being a sanctuary in the city, open seven days a week. People come in and pray because we are open, and their diversity is astounding. At-Large member Janet Nolan concurred that the endowment sustains the building’s future and the congregation provides for the good work of today.

Nancy asked Council to think about ways we can best present the church’s assets and liabilities to the congregation. When we talk about stewardship we are talking about more than just money. So how can we make the presentation to the congregation in such a way as to empower them to become a part of our mission through pledging?

The retreat on the Cape was revisited: a wonderful success, described variously as “sweet” and “a blast.” It was a beautiful setting; relationships were cast; the UCC minister we hired to lead us beautifully combined psychology and spirituality in a process that benefitted the individuals present and the church as a whole.

Likewise, the Street Requiem event was remarkable, loved by all who attended, AND it raised more than $3,000 for common cathedral which is going to be matched.

With regard to the election which will coincide with the next scheduled Council meeting, a motion was entertained and passed to cancel our November meeting. Until we meet again Deb asked that we reflect upon what we want our leadership model to be. What are our strategies in leadership? What is our vision of leadership? Is our leadership appropriately mission-driven?

Associate Minister John Edgerton closed the session in prayer, expressing gratitude for the spirit of fellowship and the gifts of those present, and requesting God’s guidance and judgment in our lives.

Council was adjourned until December 13, 2016.

Robert Gabler, Clerk