Heard It at Council (June 2014)

June 10, 2014

Council met following a month-long break. Given the arrival of summer with many activities going on, there was much excitement in the air.

A major topic concerned new updates from the Christian Education Committee. Maren Batalden and Rev. Anthony Livolsi highlighted the ongoing transition to new curriculum for the Church School. Since this is a major shift that will involve volunteer teachers needing preparation, it has been decided to offer one program per week at the 10 o’clock hour. This decision was made after many hours of outreach with parents and church members to ensure the best possible fit. The 10 o’clock hour has advantages including good access from both the First and Festival Worship services. It also creates a time of programming that can be expanded in an intergenerational way. A disadvantage is displacement of the Children’s Choir, which will now meet at 11 am. Again, careful discussion and feedback was needed to ensure a good fit for everyone involved and to meet the needs of Old South Church’s highly talented and dedicated children’s music directors, Linda O’Donnell and Amy Budka. Minister of Music Harry Huff mentioned that children will have time to participate in the first part of Festival Worship before choir practice begins. Also, there are ideas about how children from First Worship can become more involved in choir and music. The Christian Education Committee will continue to solve logistics with ongoing feedback throughout the summer. In all, the shift to new educational programming is an exciting time for our church as Old South children grow along with the congregation!

There are two major updates in church school and youth staffing. Kate Meachum Nintcheu accepted as Church School Director and Council approved her contract. Kate comes to us from Tennessee where her divinity training and extensive church school leadership experience make her a perfect fit for our evolving programming. Her energy and leadership skills are highly regarded. She will start in July. For the Youth Group, Kate Rogers, our Field Education Intern, has agreed to take on a one-year interim role. Her enthusiasm and gifts are a wonderful fit for our youth. Anthony, Kate, and Kate together will focus on the confirmation class.

Council reviewed updates from the Operations Committee, presented by Paul Kuenstner. Renovations (scheduled through October) are on track, including ventilation, basement utilities, boiler work, elevators, and sprinklers. One elevator will remain out of service during this time. And, starting June 12th, the main stairway is out of service for two months. Childcare is relocated to the Gordon Library.

Lisa Loveland, representing the Leadership Committee, nominated Rodney Click as the new Chair of Finance, and David Becker and Nancy Kukulan as new Deacons, filling vacant and vacated positions. Council approved these appointments.

Harry Huff noted the American Guild of Organists National Convention, which will be prominent in the Back Bay and especially at Old South in June. A pre-convention event is Family Day and will be held at Old South Church with a full day of music and silent film for all ages. There will be a mobile pipe organ on display in the Gordon Chapel for kids to explore. Highly anticipated is Into the Light: A Journey with Jesus of Nazareth, created by Harry Huff and Rev. John Edgerton, which had a very successful Pentecost pre-run. Old South Church members admit for free.

Rev. Anthony Livolsi highlighted Pride weekend. Old South Church will honor three pioneers in equal marriage: Gov. Deval Patrick, Rev. Frank Schaefer, and Episcopal Bishop M. Thomas Shaw. It will be a very special morning followed by the Pride Parade.

Lisa Mahnke, Clerk