Heard It at Council (January 2014)

January 14, 2014

Council opened the first meeting of the New Year with the reading of a 1924 prayer written by Old South Church's Rev. George Gordon (1884-1927). After the prayer, Council members turned their attention to good financial news. Stewardship Committee Chair Kurt Gaertner reported that the Old South congregation continues to give generously. As of this writing, fifty-five percent of members have pledged to the 2014 budget. The average pledge has increased by 6% from last year. Moderator Mark Schueppert moved that Council recognize Kurt’s hard work, and the motion was approved with enthusiasm.

Finance Committee Chair Joanne Herman also presented positive news about the budget for 2014. The Finance Committee and the Trustees are anticipating a small deficit for the coming year, but the Budget Stabilization Fund and other funds should be sufficient to cover this shortfall. The shortfall is due to the fact that the Trustees are annually funding a capital reserve, with the consequence of leaving fewer funds to support the operating budget. Eventually the capital reserve should be sufficient (when it reaches $300,000 annually) to cover future capital repairs. The Trustees are confident that we will no longer be dependent on the Budget Stabilization Fund by 2018. Rev. Nancy Taylor reminded Council that Project AIR is being paid for out of existing endowment funds. The sale of the Bay Psalm Book enables the church to replenish the endowment so that Old South can pursue expanded ministries well into the future. A Capital Campaign Steering Committee, co-chaired by Wayne Davis and Todd Krohne, is in the process of launching a church-wide campaign to both increase the endowment and complete renovation projects we were unable to fund through Project AIR.

In other news, Leadership Committee Chair Lisa Loveland presented Council with a slate of nominated leaders for 2014. She moved that Council approve that the slate be presented to the congregation for a vote on February 2nd at our 344th Annual Meeting of the Members. After Annual Meeting, Council will vote to approve the nominees for membership on standing committees.

At the close of the meeting, Council gathered for a time of fellowship over punch and cake. Nancy and Mark shared tender words of appreciation for members of Council who are completing their terms. Warm with gratitude, Council members ventured out into a chilly night.

Kate Silfen, Clerk