Heard It at Council (Jan. 2013)

January 8, 2013

Council met on a cold January night with a great deal to celebrate. Finance Committee Chair Bill Adams was pleased to deliver some outstanding financial news. The projected budget deficit for 2013 has been greatly reduced due to a flurry of generous commitments by the congregation at the end of the year. The shortfall will be covered with money from the Budget Stabilization Fund. Some of the anticipated budget cuts to Music and Evening Worship in the coming year have been restored. This is largely due to a recent gift from our beloved former Senior Deacon Betty Smith. Council members were reminded of one of Rev. Nancy Taylor’s proclamations: “God is good … All the time!”

Trustee Phil Stern provided Council members with a brief update on their due diligence concerning the possible sale of the Bay Psalm Book and the silver. The Trustees are in a learning and research phase. They have received proposals from several auction houses and have met with rare book experts, our counsel, the Attorney General’s Office and representatives of the Museum of Fine Arts and Boston Public Library. The Trustees will keep Council apprised of progress on this endeavor.

Council members happily anticipated the upcoming congregational meeting to hear the report of the Two Ministers Search Committee and vote on calling the Reverends John M. Edgerton and Anthony T. Livolsi to serve as Associate Ministers. Council went into Executive Session to discuss and agree the salary and benefit packages for both pastors.

Once the business of the evening was complete, Council members enjoyed cake and punch in celebration of the end of the year. Nancy praised the hard work of outgoing Finance Committee Chair Bill Adams. She also gave thanks for Moderator Mark Schueppert’s masterful handling of the debate over the sale of the Heritage Assets. Filled to the brim with outstanding news, Council adjourned with the Lord’s Prayer.

-Kate Silfen, Clerk