Heard It at Council (Feb. 2013)

February 12, 2013

The first meeting of the 2013-2014 Church Council was brief yet chock full of exciting news. We opened by praying together a Prayer for God’s Guidance and God’s Still Speaking Voice (aka the “Vision Prayer”). This was followed with an introduction of and welcome to new Council Members, and a time to get to know one another.

Council then welcomed Phil Stern, Chair of the Board of Trustees, who provided us with an update on the possible sale of certain Heritage Assets. The Trustees have met with and received detailed proposals from Sotheby’s and Christie’s auction houses. Phil reported that the Trustees would be making a final decision about which proposal to pursue at their February meeting. The Trustees are confident that both Sotheby’s and Christie’s are highly reputable and will take the task of selling the Heritage Assets very seriously. Phil said that the Trustees would like to focus their efforts on arranging the sale of the Bay Psalm Book before pursuing the sale of the silver. Accordingly, the Trustees have asked the auction houses to focus their initial proposals on the sale of the Bay Psalm Book. The Trustees have reached out to the Museum of Fine Arts asking if the Museum would like to purchase any of our pieces of silver for their collection. The MFA is undergoing its own process of evaluation concerning acquisitions, and the Trustees will provide updates as they become available.

Council members were pleased to anticipate the 2013 Lenten program, which will involve the reading and discussion of Howard Thurman’s classic treatise Jesus and the Disinherited. Rev. Nancy Taylor said that Howard Thurman is a treasure of the Christian Church. A mystic, minister, and professor, Howard Thurman served as a key mentor for Martin Luther King, Jr. and his work played a pivotal role in shaping the non-violent philosophy that was the foundation of the Civil Rights Movement. Nancy encouraged broad participation in this program.

Leadership Committee member Jan Monsma introduced a proposed slate of leaders who have generously agreed to serve on Old South Church committees. Council easily and enthusiastically approved this slate. After a recitation of the Lord’s Prayer, Council adjourned just before 8 pm.

-Kate Silfen, Clerk