Heard It at Council (December 2013)

Rev. Nancy Taylor opened the December joint Council-and-Trustees meeting with a moving Advent Litany of Hospitality. This litany consisted of excerpts of e-mails exchanged by the Deacons and other hospitality coordinators. As of December 2nd there was a severe shortage of hospitality volunteers for January through March 2014. A mere five days later an additional 27 folks had come forward – and the Deacons had a viable hospitality schedule! In response to this turn-around, Council thanked God for Candace Kosturko, Lauren Berk, Debbie Leonard, Bettina Blake, Bill Adams, Peter Boyle, and Megan Dupuy who work so hard to coordinate Old South Church’s ministries of hospitality. Together, Council members, visitors and Trustees recited: “For it is they who make sure there is room in the inn for all …”

Operations Committee Chair Paul Kuenstner discussed the scope of Project AIR. The construction management company, Consigli, has presented a guaranteed maximum price for the work. The essential work (HVAC updates, electrical work, and fire protection) will come to an estimated $6,109,438. Non-essential (but desired) work includes an elevator extension to the basement, a lift for the Gordon Chapel, roofing repairs, tower masonry repairs, and an added bathroom and kitchen to the Gordon Library.

Trustee Debby Kuenstner reported that the Trustees had discussed the scope of this work after the sale of the Bay Psalm Book. The Trustees recommended that Old South take on the essential work plus the elevator extension at this time. It is hoped that the Gordon Library and Mary Norton Hall improvements can be funded in the relatively near future with capital fundraising efforts. Tower and masonry repairs can be safely deferred for 5-10 years and paid for by the Trustees Building Reserves when the time comes.

Paul Kuenstner offered a motion for Council to approve the expenditure of approximately $8 million to fund the essential work and the elevator extension. Council approved the motion and recognized Paul Kuenstner for the amount of work he has put into the planning of Project AIR.

Christian Service and Outreach Committee Chair Ruth Ricker presented Council with a proposed list of grant recipients. These recipients include Ecclesia Ministries, Blue Mountain Project, Sunday’s Bread, Women’s Lunch Place, and several others. The Outreach Committee has also requested that the Christensen Award be given to the Boston First Responders Fund. Council enthusiastically approved this request.

With glad and grateful hearts, Council adjourned for the evening.

Kate Silfen, Clerk