Fox News asks "What does your sign mean?"

Old South Church was contacted by a reporter from Channel 25 Fox News, who called to inquire about our corner signboard, which read: “MLK’s God can get you in trouble.” Old South posted these words in honor of the anniversary of MLK’s Birthday, and left it up for part of Black History Month. The sign was intended to be provocative … even parabolic, functioning in much the same way as the parables of Jesus. Our hopes were that it would stop people in their tracks and engage them, get them thinking and talking. Apparently the sign did its job: provoking people.

In the words of our Senior Minister, "Here is what it does to me: It evokes memories of Rev. King and the terrible costs he incurred when he challenged this nation to “to live up to the true meaning of its creed.” The sign evokes the anger his message unleashed in his opponents (he was jailed, his house bombed and he was murdered). The sign also evokes the hope he planted in millions of American hearts that equality, justice and love must become more than words, more than aspiration. The sign also reminds me that it takes courage, and tremendous perseverance, to challenge systemic injustice."