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Infants/Toddlers (Birth through age 2)
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Intro Text
(Green Room, 3rd floor)
Our loving and skilled childcare professionals are ready to provide safe and reliable childcare, treating children to love, warm hugs, books, toys, and coloring projects in one of our fully stocked preschool rooms. Childcare is available uninterrupted from 8:40am - 12:30pm. We also offer part-worship/part-care at each service. For 9am First Worship, parents can choose to have children brought down to join them at 9:30 in worship, enabling families to have communion together and children to experience a portion of the worship service. For 11am Festival Worship, parents can begin with their children in the Sanctuary, and then meet childcare staff following the Scripture reading in the back of the room, where we will proceed up to the 3rd floor. Parents are also welcome to play with us in the Green Room, or to keep your child with you in worship. We trust parents to know what is best, and are here to support you.
Our loving and skilled childcare professionals are ready to provide safe and reliable childcare, treating children to love, warm hugs, books, toys, and coloring projects in one of our fully stocked preschool rooms. Childcare is available uninterrupted from 8:40am - 12:30pm. We also offer part-worship/part-care at each service. For 9am First Worship, parents can choose to have children brought down to join them at 9:30 in worship, enabling families to have communion together and children to experience a portion of the worship service. For 11am Festival Worship, parents can begin with their children in the Sanctuary, and then meet childcare staff following the Scripture reading in the back of the room, where we will proceed up to the 3rd floor. Parents are also welcome to play with us in the Green Room, or to keep your child with you in worship. We trust parents to know what is best, and are here to support you.